馃挴 Exam 3

  • Due No due date
  • Points 110
  • Questions 27
  • Time Limit 180 Minutes


Exam 3 covers material from Parts 6 AND 7. Do not start unless you are ready to complete the whole exam in one sitting - should take less than 2 hours, but you have 3 hours to complete it.

Note: Due to some academic dishonesty issues in my other classes, I've instituted the following policies:

  1. You must have supporting work for all calculated answers. This can be a calculator shortcut or a note about what you did online. If you do not send me supporting work within 20 minutes of finishing the exam, you will not receive credit for those answers.
  2. If your supporting work matches work on any external website (Chegg, CourseHero, Brainly, etc) or another student's exam, you will receive a ZERO for the entire exam which cannot be replaced by the final exam.
  3. All students may be asked to schedule an appointment to discuss their correct answers to Exam 3, potentially solving a similar problem to one done correctly on the exam. If you are unable to explain how an answer you gave on exam came into existence, your exam score will be adjusted accordingly.
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