2.7 Quiz on Units 2.1-2.6 (100 points)

  • Due Jun 26, 2018 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 4
  • Available until Jun 26, 2018 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2



The following quiz contains four essay questions worth 25 points each. Once you open the quiz, you may not leave (close it) and return to it, and you may not edit it; however, there is no time limit. You may take the quiz twice. 

Please also keep in mind that students who go over the allotted word count for any question will receive a zero; students who are significantly under the allotted word count typically do not create a thorough response and do poorly on the quiz.

Before you begin, you will want to make sure you have studied the module (do not start the quiz and then go back to read to answer it; it will take you too much time) and have taken good notes, not just on Jane Tompkins' essay (your charting will come in handy), but on the other assigned readings and television episode. 

Some Additional Tips:

1. Follow instructions and respond to all parts of each prompt. If you do not respond to the prompt at all, you will receive a zero, despite how interesting and/or well written your response may be. Focus is key.

2. Words are limited in each response, so choose your words carefully--be precise an concise. Going over the word count will earn you a zero on the response. 

3. Be sure to work directly with the sources you are addressing and support all assertions. This means textual support and discussion/analysis. Illustrate close, critical reading/viewing comprehension.

4. Responses that do not use MLA correctly, when required, will lose 5 points. Many of you will want to review MLA before taking this quiz, if you have not already. Here is a site for Tompkins, so you have the information you need to create a Works Cited page for her text:   https://www.jstor.org/stable/1343557?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

5. PROOFREAD carefully. No "i" for "I." We all make typos on occasion, but you are using standard English in this course. Consistent errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, syntax, and/or tense will result in significant points subtracted from your score. I pointed out common errors made by many of you in the worldview essay, so please review those errors and address them before tackling this quiz.This is advanced composition.

6. Type your essay in Word or some other word processing program, and then paste it into the quiz. Make sure to adjust format after you paste it. This allows for the best proofreading as well as keeping track of word count. 

7. YOU MAY NOT DISCUSS THIS QUIZ ON THE FORUM. Similar responses will be investigated for plagiarism. 

8. Complete the responses you feel most confident about first. 

9. Be prepared to pretend you are Nietzsche. 

9. Work in a quiet space without distractions.

10. Put on your thinking cap. 

Now, dig in! 

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