Academic Integrity
There are no "group credit" assignments in this class, including the homeworks. While working and studying together is encouraged, all work to be graded must be your own. Unless otherwise noted, all exams and quizzes are "closed book" absolutely no recorded information may be brought in from the outside. You will be provided with relevant equations and numerical values for all tests. Mid-terms and the final exam will be designed to test understanding, not memory, so cheating will not help you - and you will probably be caught!
Academic dishonesty is a serious action and will not be tolerated, since it compromises the value of hard-earned grades for all students at Grossmont. It includes, but is not limited to, copying another's work, allowing someone to copy your work, talking during an exam or quiz, giving information to another student during an exam or quiz, using unauthorized notes on an exam or quiz, or having another person take a test for you.
Cheating and plagiarism (using as one's own ideas writings, materials, or images of someone else without acknowledgement or permission) can result in any one of a variety of sanctions. Such penalties may range from an adjusted grade on the particular exam, paper, project, or assignment (all of which may lead to a failing grade in the course) to, under certain conditions, suspension or expulsion from a class, program or the college. For further clarification and information on these issues, please consult with your instructor or contact the office of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.