Math Interludes VIII: Slope (8 of 10)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 2
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


Let's Practice

This activity requires your instructor to grade the second question. However, after you complete this activity, you can still review your answer to the first question and use the feedback to retake the quiz. Your instructor will only grade the second question for the attempt with the highest score on the first question. So, please type your response to the second question each time you take the quiz. You have three attempts. 

Paper and Pencil Work

Your instructor may choose to collect and grade your paper-and-pencil work for this activity. Here are the instructions.

  • Write Math Interludes VIII (8 of 10) at the top of the page.
  • Write up each problem in this activity as if it is a homework problem from a textbook. Be sure to show your work or support your conclusion with an appropriate explanation.
  • Remember neatness and completeness count (with lots of whitespace between problems).

Discussion Board

Use the Math Interludes VIII discussion board (opens in a new tab) to ask questions or provide feedback about the problems in this quiz.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes