MLA Formatting

MLA Banner image. Decorative. 


To meet MLA style requirements, follow these guidelines:


  • 12 pt. font is used throughout the document, preferably Times New Roman. Other acceptable fonts must be clear and must have distinctions between standard and italicized text.
  • Entire document is double-spaced.
  • Margins are 1 inch on all sides.
  • Paragraphs in the body of the paper are indented 1/2 inch or one "tab" stop.
  • 1 space is used between sentences.

First Page & Header

  • There is no title page in an MLA document unless your instructor requires one. In this case, follow their directions.
  • All page headers have the writer's last name and the page number in the top right corner.
  • First page also requires, at the top left, double-spaced, and in order:
    • your full name
    • your instructor's name
    • your course title
    • the date submitted
  • Without skipping a line, the title of your paper should appear next, centered, in the same font as the rest of the document. Do not underline, bold, or italicize the title, but punctuate any mention of books or articles within your title appropriately (ex: A Marxist Analysis of Fight Club).


Sample MLA First Page

Please be sure to view all four tabs before clicking Next.