Using Studio as a Student

What is Studio?

Note: These instructions are for creating a video as a student. If you are watching an instructor video and need Closed Captioning turned on, check for "CC" displayed on the video bottom bar. If it is not there, click on the "sprocket" icon on the bottom bar and see if there is a Closed Caption option. If not, captions are not available for the video. Contact your instructor, as needed.


Studio is an integrated video sharing platform that will allow students to submit video assignments.  Below are some of the features of the new platform. If you have questions about Studio, please contact the Canvas Help Desk at 1-844-592-2205

  • Faculty and students can easily create, store, and share videos and podcasts (audio-only), safely and securely.
  • Time-stamped, in-video commenting enables timely, relevant feedback and rich collaboration.
  • Students can seamlessly create and submit videos as a Canvas Assignment as a means to demonstrate understanding.
  • Built-in asset management helps you safely store and easily access media.
  • Platform-agnostic functionality means Canvas Studio works across all devices.
  • Canvas Studio offers automated captioning (or upload your own) because accessibility is essential.
  • Just drag and drop video files from your desktop, paste a link from YouTube, or instantly record with your webcam or screen capture.

Video Tutorials

Using Studio Video Links to an external site.

How to Submit Studio Assignments

Instructors can set up assignments as online submission or as a discussion. With an online submission, the Studio option will be available. In other cases, instructors will ask you to comment on the video or post a discussion reply. View the following guides for details. 


Mobile Options

Please note the assignment submission process will be different for students when using the Canvas mobile app. Video that you have created or added to Studio can be submitted via the Canvas Student app. Please note the studio is listed as Arc and will eventually be changed to Studio. When you select Arc (Studio) you can upload any video you have created with your mobile device. View the guides below to learn how to submit assignments via the Canvas Student app. 

Android Guides
iOS Guides