What are Modules?

Your teacher may use modules to organize course assignments and activities. An easy way to think of Modules is that they are like chapters of a book or units of a course. Most teachers will create one module for each week of the course to make it easy for students to understand what they are supposed to complete each week.

Depending on the settings your teacher uses, you may see circles that become green check marks on the right side of each item when it is marked as done or an assignment or quiz is completed.

Here is an example showing the first few modules for a course with the Orientation and Week 1 modules collapsed, and Week 2 expanded. Collapse or expand modules by clicking the module title.

modules screenshot


When modules are used, you will see previous and next buttons at the bottom of the page, as you can see below.


Mark this page as done, then click the "Next" or > button to continue.