Canvas Help

Canvas Help

Canvas Help

Grossmont College  

Student Resources

Faculty Resources

Cuyamaca College  

Student Resources

Faculty Resources

Frequently asked questions

Student FAQs

How do I get help with Canvas?

In the boxes above you will see information about your Canvas Support options. You can open a chat window with an actual support tech, call the support hotline to speak to a support tech in person, or open a support ticket. Note: Chatting or telephoning with a support tech automatically opens a support ticket.

Why don't I see my course in Canvas?

After you register for a course in WebAdvisor, it takes up to 12 hours to see the course in Canvas.  If you still don't see it, contact your teacher.  It's possible your teacher needs to publish the course.

How can I change my name?

If you want to change your first name in Canvas, complete the Change Canvas Display Name form Links to an external site..  For official last name changes, contact Admissions and Records.

How do I close announcements on my Dashboard?

Click on the X displayed on the top right corner of the announcement box.

Where can I learn more about Canvas?